Brian Gallagher - The Morality and Strategy of Cybersecurity The Punch Up

Amid rising cybersecurity threats, Brian Gallagher, CEO of CodeLock, explores America's readiness.

Brian Gallagher - The Morality and Strategy of Cybersecurity
The Punch Up

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Can America 'stay ahead and catch up' in the world of increasing cybersecurity threats, or will the red tape be our demise? Brian Gallagher is the CEO and Co-Founder of CodeLock, where he pioneers technologies emerging in the intersection of physical security and cybersecurity. Most of today's industry and government-run on software, making both the average citizen and our country's infrastructure susceptible to major security threats. Due to the hurdles of America's policies and legislative process, we are seeing a lack of funding in the sectors that would help drive innovation and security advancements at a governmental level. While the government relies on entrepreneurs and industry elites to set the benchmark for innovation and push for policy mandates, getting policies implemented is a precarious trial. The threat of security attacks in the digital age is increasing exponentially every year, can we find the balance between morality, rules and strategy? Notes:


FBI and Secret Service vehicles: what does the FBI car look like? 00:10


Cybersecurity warriors are America’s important and unsung heroes. 02:04


Brian’s a product of 9/11: from being homeless to security consulting. 05:46


Working for the Secret Service: the intersection between physical security and cybersecurity.07:11


Why sequestration is bad? 09:30


Behavioral data science is combining psychology, data science and math: Stay Cyber Safe: What Every CEO Should Know About Cybersecurity. 11:45


Nation-state attack in December 2020: attacks on the source of the software. 14:21


Cybercrime is exponentially growing: new threats are being created every second. 17:21


Two things we have to do to get ahead: fix bureaucratic issues to get projects moving and increase venture capital money to support innovation. 21:25


The threat is fast: strategy vs morality, and the red tape that is stopping us from succeeding. 24:36


Machine learning and usage of AI in government: issuing funds to solve problems vs multimillion dollar all-in-one contracts.  28:35


The White House realizes the threat associated with cyberattacks: positive movements in the last 4 years. 32:37


The importance of requirements in the government procurement process. 34:41


When action isn't being taken: a "people problem" that led to a technology problem.  37:07


You can't learn without taking action: we're all exposed to software supply chain attacks. 39:58


Protecting people, property, places, and products as a life mission for Brian. 43:10


Why we need intrapreneuers in our world. 44:26


Visit American Strategy to share your story. 47:05

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