CodeLock Blocks Malware at Source Code Level

CodeLock: Safeguarding Your Software Supply Chains with Innovative Security Technology. Protect your organization from cyber threats

CodeLock Key Take Away

In today's digital landscape, protecting software supply chains from malware attacks has become a critical priority for organizations worldwide. Addressing this pressing need, ProtectedBy.AI has introduced an innovative and patented technology: CodeLock. This groundbreaking solution offers a robust network of security sensors, ensuring the safety and integrity of server-side applications.

CodeLock, from a technical standpoint, employs an advanced algorithm that injects custom digital signatures into an organization's software at strategic points or locations. By sealing, signing, and interlinking code containers, CodeLock provides comprehensive protection for every line of code, ranging from small utility functions to complex operating systems.

"Cyberattacks like the recent events with SolarWinds, Colonial Pipeline, and JBS have devastated thousands of organizations globally – attacks that would have been stopped in their tracks by CodeLock." - ProtectedBy.AI

Designed to seamlessly integrate into various software development workflows, CodeLock supports agile, scrum, waterfall, and other methodologies. It is compatible with major repositories such as Git, GitHub, BitBucket, AWS, and Azure, allowing for smooth integration into existing systems.


As the prevalence of malware, ransomware, and new forms of cyberattacks continues to rise, the significance of proactive defense technologies becomes increasingly evident. Brian Gallagher, president and co-founder of ProtectedBy.AI, highlights CodeLock as a crucial component in organizations' cybersecurity measures. By automating attack detection beyond traditional perimeter defenses, CodeLock empowers organizations to stay one step ahead of emerging threats.

CodeLock by ProtectedBy.AI is available as a subscription-based service, with pricing starting at $15,000 per year. This accessible and scalable solution provides organizations with the means to fortify their software supply chains, protecting critical assets and ensuring ongoing cybersecurity.

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