Loudoun County: CodeLock Could Revolutionize Cybersecurity

Safeguard your data from sophisticated cyber threats with a groundbreaking response to the SolarWinds attack.

CodeLock Key Take Away

Innovation often arises from the need to solve complex problems, and few issues in the realm of cybersecurity have been as widespread and devastating as the SolarWinds attack. This attack, which occurred between October 2019 and December 2020, affected over 18,000 organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, major infrastructure and financial firms, government agencies, and educational institutions.

Amidst the aftermath of this damaging software supply chain attack, Brian Gallagher, CEO of CodeLock, recognized the urgent need for a solution. CodeLock, based in Ashburn, Virginia, was developed as a response to the attack's destructive impact on cyber infrastructure, costing companies and the country billions of dollars.

"CodeLock appears to have the capability to stop the most sophisticated criminal malware. With respect to cyberattacks from hostile nation-states, CodeLock would also be effective." - Department of Homeland Security

To tackle the problem, CodeLock sought to address a fundamental question: Why is it possible to establish a chain of custody for evidence at a crime scene but not for software? This question led to the development of a patent-pending solution that creates a forensic chain of custody between software developers and every line of code they create.


CodeLock quickly gained recognition for its potential to combat sophisticated cyber threats. Endorsed by the Department of Homeland Security, it was hailed as a solution capable of stopping criminal malware and effectively countering cyberattacks from hostile nation-states. This endorsement prompted CodeLock to evolve into a commercial Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution.

Situated in Loudoun County, Virginia, CodeLock benefits from its proximity to major technology companies and Data Center Alley, where a significant portion of the world's internet traffic passes through. This strategic location positions CodeLock to serve federal, private sector, and nonprofit clients, helping safeguard their valuable data from potential vulnerabilities.

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