Mitigating the Threat of Russian Cyber Interference in Politics

UK and allies expose Russian cyber attempts to meddle in UK politics. Learn key defenses against these threats.

Mitigating the Threat of Russian Cyber Interference in Politics

In a recent groundbreaking announcement, the UK and its international allies have brought to light a series of persistent and unsuccessful cyber interference attempts in UK politics by Russian state cyber actors. This blog post aims to delve into the specifics of these cyber activities, the entities involved, and the measures being taken to safeguard against such threats.

Key Points:

  1. Identification of Threat Actors: The GCHQ's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has identified the threat group involved as likely being a part of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), specifically Centre 18.
  2. Targeted Individuals and Entities: High-risk individuals, including politicians, journalists, and entities such as universities and NGOs, have been the primary targets.
  3. Issued Guidance for Defense: New guidance has been published for individuals at higher risk to improve their cybersecurity resilience.

The Gravity of the Situation

Russian Cyber Operations: A Persistent Threat

  • Campaign Nature: The Russian Intelligence Services have been involved in a campaign of malicious cyber activities aimed at interfering in UK politics and democratic processes.
  • Group Identified: The NCSC assesses that the group 'Star Blizzard', known for targeting high-profile individuals and entities, is almost certainly subordinate to the FSB’s Centre 18.
  • Malicious Activities: These include spear-phishing attacks on UK parliamentarians, compromising trade documents, and attacks on key institutions like the Institute for Statecraft.

UK's Stance and International Collaboration

  • UK’s Condemnation: The UK Foreign Secretary has condemned these activities as threats to democratic processes.
  • International Partnerships: In response, the UK, along with the US, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, has issued a new cybersecurity advisory to counter these threats.

Cybersecurity Advisory and Refreshed Guidance

Advisory Highlights

  • Technical Details Shared: The advisory provides insights into how the attackers carry out their operations and how potential targets can defend themselves.
  • Joint Effort: This advisory is a collaborative effort involving cybersecurity agencies from multiple countries, including the US, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

Updated Guidance for High-Risk Individuals

  • Focus on Resilience: The guidance aims to help high-risk individuals improve their security posture against potential cyber threats.
  • Key Recommendations: These include setting up two-step verification, creating strong passwords, and promptly installing updates.

Understanding the Threat Actor: Star Blizzard

Campaign and Tactics

  • Spear-Phishing Attacks: Star Blizzard has successfully used spear-phishing attacks for information gathering.
  • Targeted Sectors: Their targets include academia, defense, governmental organizations, NGOs, think tanks, and politicians.
  • Global Scope: While focusing on the UK and US, their activities extend to NATO countries and neighboring regions of Russia.

The Evolution of Attacks

  • Increased Scope: In 2022, their activities expanded to include defense-industrial targets and US Department of Energy facilities.
  • Advanced Techniques: The group has evolved their spear-phishing techniques to maintain their success rate.

Mitigation Strategies and Reporting

Defending Against Spear-Phishing

  • Awareness and Vigilance: Individuals and organizations should be aware of the described techniques and remain vigilant.
  • Reporting Mechanisms: Suspicious activities can be reported to the NCSC for action.


The revelation of these cyber interference attempts by Russian state actors in UK politics highlights the ongoing need for awareness, vigilance, and action in cybersecurity. It is a stark reminder of the evolving nature of cyber threats and the necessity for robust defenses to protect democratic processes and sensitive information.